Islam and science

How many believer and practising Muslims know that seven hundred and fifty verses of the Holy Quran (almost one eighth of the Book) exhort believers to study Nature, to reflect, to make the best use of reason in their search for the ultimate and to make the acquiring of knowledge and scientific comprehension part of the Muslim community's life? The famous physicist, Dr Abdus Salam who shared the 1358 H.S/1979 A.D. Nobel prize for physics with Steven Weinberg and Sheldon Glashow for contributions to the theory of the unified weak and Electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles, including inter alia the prediction of the weak neutral current understood this quite well. He said: "As a scientist, the Quran speaks to me in that it emphasises reflection on Laws of Nature, with examples drawn from cosmology, physics, biology and medicine, as signs for all men".

Science in developing countries

What are the challenges for scientists in developing countries? Do they have the necessary support from their governments? Why are researchers moving to universities and research centers in Europe and the US? We all know the replies to these questions. Science is important because of the underlying understanding it provides of the world around us, of the immutable laws; it is important because of the material benefits and strength in defense and its discoveries can give us; it is important because of its universality. It could be a vehicle of cooperation for all mankind Most of us are passionately advocating our engaging in the enterprise of science and of creating scientific knowledge. There is a need to share our thoughts and to think seriously about the future of science in our respective countries.


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