Call for papers - Computer Methods and Programs for Biomedicine

Special Issue on Medical Image Segmentation

Guest Editor: Habib Zaidi, Geneva University Hospital

Medical image segmentation has been, is, and probably will long remain the key problem of medical image analysis. It has long been recognized as the most critical step for automated analysis in medical imaging and is becoming an increasingly important image processing step for numerous clinical and research applications. All subsequent interpretation tasks like feature extraction, object recognition, and classification depend largely on the quality of the segmentation output. Several approaches have been proposed for image segmentation, but only a few of them can satisfactorily be applied in practice especially when dealing with inherently noisy, low spatial resolution images such as those produced using functional imaging which require more powerful segmentation algorithms. Both approximate methods suitable for clinical routine applications and more sophisticated approaches for research applications where there is greater emphasis on accurate measurements have also been addressed. The number of scientific contributions related to this subject has been increasing steadily during the last few years, which motivated the publication of this special issue as a snapshot of the dynamically changing field of medical image segmentation.

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (CMPB) will publish a special issue on "Medical Image Segmentation" late in 2006. This special issue will be composed of ORIGINAL research papers describing latest algorithmic developments in medical image segmentation and their applications in clinical and research settings. Authors should follow the CMPB manuscript format described at the journal web site Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the CMPB manuscript tracking system at journal's web site, indicating that their contribution is for the special issue according to the following timetable:

Manuscript Due                        May 15, 2006

Acceptance Notification             August 1, 2006

Final Manuscript Due                August 25, 2006

Special issue published             November 10, 2006


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

PD Habib ZAIDI, Ph.D
Division of Nuclear Medicine
Geneva University Hospital
CH-1211 Geneva 14 , SWITZERLAND
Voice: + 41 22 372 7258
Fax: + 41 22 372 7169

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